November 21, 2014

Universal Knowledge Hub - 3rd Newsletter : 22/11/2014




Latest News

  1. PM Invites President Obama to be Chief Guest at Republic Day
  2. PM Blogs on his visit to MyanmarAustralia and Fiji
  3. Finance Minister asks the Bankers to Work in a Professional Manner Without any Fear or Favour 
Forum Messages

  1. CUSTOMS - Circular 13/2014- All Industry Rates of Duty Drawback effective 22.11.2014 - Reg.
  2. CENTRAL EXCISE - CIRCULAR 990/14/2014 - Clarification regarding availment of CENVAT credit after six months
  3. CUSTOMS - NON TARRIF NOTIFICATION 110 / 2014-Notifying All Industry Rates (AIR) of Duty Drawback w.e.f. 22.11.2014
  4. CUSTOMS - NON TARRIF NOTIFICATION 109 / 2014-Makes amendment to Rule 7 of The Customs, Central Excise Duties and Service Tax Drawback Rules 1995.
  5. CA FINAL - Corrigendum: Study Material of Paper 4: Corporate and Allied Laws Final Course (October, 2014 edition)


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